Martock & District Skittle League
Chairman : Barry Cullimore 07716150086
Treasurer/Sec: Pete Wescott 01935 825418 / 07873756807
Match Secretary : Steve Lonton 07901 337237
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2021
Stoke Club at 8.00 pm
Friday 31st July 2021
Roll Call
The meeting was attended by representatives of 15 teams:-
Bakers Rogues; Bakers Buoys; Hit & Hopes; Lamb Shanks; Seahawks
Monkey Spankers Nobbys Nuts; Dolphins; Rosie’s Rebels; VIPs
Hotspots; Lamb & Larks; Ham Boys; Mucky Ducks Floppers
Pornstars Duke of York Rose & Crown BH (New)
Stoke WMC Split Pins Half Moon Mandy’s Bell Boys
Apologies for absence were received from:-
S Club 8 Floppers Monkey Spankers Wyndham Arms Levellers
The following teams had previously indicated that they will not be returning this season:-
Bell Ash A; Somerton Club Rose & Crown (Eli’s) Lords & Ladies
No communication or previous registration form has been received from Rose & Crown (Eli’s). All other teams have now expressed a desire to continue in the league.
Kevin Fowler chaired the meeting.
Accounts 2020-21
The accounts were presented by Pete Wescott. A copy of the complete figures is appended to these minutes. . The accounts showed that there was a starting balance of £1293.66, expenditure of £165.18 and a closing balance of £1128.48.
There were three main items of expenditure:-
- £90 on a set of 10 duplicate “Highest Away” trophies as two teams had shared the trophy but only one set showed in last year’s accounts.
- £60 one off fee for transferring the existing website to a new host as the original BT site closed down in March this year. The new site is a commercial site and a fee of £5 per month will be charged whilst we continue to use it. The meeting agreed that this is reasonable expenditure as the website has proved invaluable. Pete Wescott stated that the new site will contain the full fixture list for the season.
- £55 for stamps and envelope.
There was no income as, due to lack of fixtures, no team fees were charged.
League Fees 2021-22
Pete Wescott proposed that League Fees for this season be set at £60 per team. This will be a £40 reduction on the last fees charged in 2019-20. The reduction takes account f the current balance of over £1000 and the reduced likely expenditure due to the ditching of the Cup Competitions.
Formation of League
There was a lot of discussion of possible formats. This centred on a two division league based on last league positions or a three division league with one division consisting of the teams who expressed desire for 6 players rather than the standard 8.
It was eventually agreed that there will be two divisions, each consisting (in principle) of teams of 8. At the meeting, the assumption was that there would be 24 teams – 12 per division as the Wyndham Arms and Crown, Fivehead (Levellers) had closed and the two teams would not be able to compete.
POST MEETING NOTE: The Wyndham have since confirmed they will be playing at the Duke of York; The Levellers will not compete this season as they have been unable to guarantee a fixed venue throughout the season. The two divisions will, therefore be formed as shown below.
As there are at least 8 teams who have indicated they will or may not be able to field teams of 8 each week, it was agreed that the existing “30 pin” rule for missing players would be replaced for the new season as follows:-
In any match where one team has fewer players than the other, this team will complete each hand by, in strict rotation, each player in turn throwing an additional hand. So, for example, if Team A has 8 players and Team B 6, then on the 1st hand, Player 1 and Player 2 will play for the “missing players”; on the 2nd hand, Players 3 and 4 will play them and so on.
Captains will be expected to police this to ensure fairness. Hopefully everyone will understand this!!
No start date was proposed at the meetring. This will be left for the Committee to decide – though it was generally agreed that late September/early October would be best with a 3 week gap around Christmas.
Division 1: Division 2
Duke of York Split Pins
Monkey Spankers Lamb Shanks
Bakers Rogues Lamb & Larks
Seahawks Hotspots
VIPs Porn Stars
Stoke WMC Mucky Ducks
Nobbys Nuts Lords & Ladies (successors)
Bakers Buoys Lord Nelson
Dolphins Ham Boys
Half Moon Rosie’s Rebels
Hit & Hopes Mandy’s Bell Boys
S Club 8 Floppers
Wyndham Arms
Election of Officials for 2021-22
Kevin Fowler is moving away from the area and is therefore stepping down as Chairman. He was thanked for the 12 years service he has given to the league through his service on the committee. Barry Cullimore has volunteered to take over as Chairman. There were no other nominations so he was elected without a vote.
A request was made for new volunteers to join the Committee. No one came forward at the meeting but anyone who is happy to join is welcome. Please let Pete Wescott know if you do!
The following will form the Committee:
Chairman Kevin Fowler
Vice Chairman Graeme Whittle
Match Secretary Steve Lonton
Treasurer/Secretary Pete Wescott
President Richard Wharton
Vice-President Keith Brice
Committee All positions vacant.
Any Other Business
No other business.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8-45 pm.
Pete Wescott
General Secretary